Запчастини для сушильної машини Proline TDC 75

Виберіть версію / індустріальний код: * Від обраної версії залежить сумісність запчастин
Capacity of laundry: Easy care (max.) | 2.5 kg |
Electrical components: Heating element (Type) | IRCA 1T.8294004 |
Direct connection to the drainage: Water hose (Spare Part Number) | 4812 530 28243 |
Condenswater evacuation: Condenswater container | 3.8 l |
Main- and blower motor: Resistor (coil) (Auxiliary coil) | (3 - 4) 18 Ω ± 7% |
Surroundings temperature: Room temperature | 5 °C - 35 °C |
Program timer: Cool down (9 min.) (min.) | 52 |
Розміри + вага: вага (брутто) | 40 kg |
Start / reset switch SST: Type | 2905-C Bitron |
Program timer: Cool down (9 min.) (max.) | 54 |
Door switch SD: Type | S16 Bitron |
Електричні базові дані: напруга | 220 V - 240 V |
Main- and blower motor: Resistor (coil) (Capacitor) | 10 µ F ± 10% |
Electrical base data: Total connected load | 2.5 kW |
Direct connection to the drainage: Water hose (Length of hose) | 1.5 m |
Program timer: Nominal voltage 230 +10%/ -15% V (max.) | 15% V |
Micro switch SLE: Voltage 230 +10 %/ - 15 % V (max.) | 15 % V |
Radio interference filter: Capacity | 100 nF X1 + 2x15 nF Y2 + 1M Ω |
Drum data: Drum speed | 57 ± 2 rpm |
Radio interference filter: Voltage | max. 275 V |
Electrical components: Heating resistances 25.2 - 28.4 () | 25.2-28.4 Ω |
Розміри + Вага: Вага (нетто) | 38 kg |
Start / reset switch SST: Nominal voltage | 230 V ± 15% |
Airflow: Air flow cooling 180 +10/ -30 m 3 /h (max.) | 30 m 3 /h |
Direct connection to the drainage: Water hose (Max. height for drain outlet) | 1.0 m |
Direct draining option: Water hose (Max. allowable length) | 2.5 m |
Airflow: Air flow cooling 180 +10/ -30 m 3 /h (min.) | 180 +10/ /h |
Start / reset switch SST: Nominal current | 16 A |
Direct draining option: Water hose (Inner diameter) | 8 - 10 mm |
Electrical components: THERMOSTATS (Exhausting thermostat (in airchannel) TH 1.1) | TH 1.1 Switch on temperature 68 ± 3 °C Switch off temperature 83 ± 3 °C |
Airflow: Air flow circulation 200 +10/ -30 m 3 /h (max.) | 30 m 3 /h |
Door switch SD: Nominal voltage | 230 V |
Micro switch SLE: Voltage 230 +10 %/ - 15 % V (min.) | 230 +10 %/ V |
Direct draining option: Water hose (Spare Part Number) | 4812 530 28243 |
Airflow: Air flow circulation 200 +10/ -30 m 3 /h (min.) | 200 +10/ /h |
Program timer: Heating element 02 - 51 () | 02 - 51 |
Main- and blower motor: Nominal voltage 230 +10%/ -15% V (min.) | 230 +10%/ V |
Program timer: Stop () | 59 - 60 |
Door switch SD: Nominal current | 16 A ± 15% |
Program timer: Type IRCA EC 4795 M2 () | Electromechanical |
Розміри + Вага: Розміри продукту (ширина) | 59.5 cm |
Main- and blower motor: Nominal voltage 230 +10%/ -15% V (max.) | 15% V |
Electrical components: Heating element (Nominal voltage) | 230 +10%/ -15% V min. 230 +10%/ V max. 15% V |
Humidity: Relative humidity (max.) | 95 % |
Електричні базові дані: частота | 50 Hz |
Program timer: Anticrease () | 58 |
Main- and blower motor: Resistor (coil) (Rated speed with 5 kg laundry and 70 % rest humidity) | 2700 rpm |
Capacity of laundry: Cotton (max.) | 6 kg |
Push button switch: Nominal voltage | 230 V ± 15% |
Електрична база даних: Запобіжник | 13 A |
Electrical components: THERMOSTATS (Fluff thermostat) | Color code Green Switch on temperature 165 ± 10 °C Switch off temperature 210 ± 9 °C |
Розміри + Вага: Розміри продукту (Глибина) | 60 cm |
Direct draining option: Water hose (Max. height for drain outlet) | 1.0 m |
Direct draining option: Water hose (Length of hose) | 1.5 m |
Radio interference filter: Type | ISKRA KPB 7325 |
Efficiency class: Energy Class | C |
Electrical components: THERMOSTATS (Safety thermostat) | (in heater) TL Switch on temperature min. < °C max. 35 °C Switch off temperature 260 ± 10 °C |
Push button switch: Nominal current | 16 A |
Direct connection to the drainage: Water hose (Max. allowable length) | 2.5 m |
Push button switch: Type | 2905-C Bitron |
Direct connection to the drainage: Water hose (Inner diameter) | 8 mm - 10 mm |
Electrical components: Heating element (Total power) | 1900 W ± 5% |
Program timer: Nominal voltage 230 +10%/ -15% V (min.) | 230 +10%/ V |
Program timer: Anticrease 55 - 57 () | 55 - 57 |
Main- and blower motor: Resistor (coil) (Main coil) | (2 - 3) 18.8 Ω ± 7% |
Дані барабана: обсяг | 112 l |
Push button switch: | Start/Reset door switch SST |
Розміри + Вага: Розміри продукту (Висота) | 85 cm |